Sunday, May 28, 2006


This thought in a Lifetime, can set me forward or retrace me from where I'am going.
This thought in a Lifetime can make me, break me orrr..... free me.
This thought in a Lifetime can be a prayer or a curse.
This thought in a Lifetime can last till the end or be gone before its born.
This thought in a Lifetime may flower as love or decay as hate.
This thought in a Lifetime can endure tolerance or enrage a fury
This thought in a Lifetime is firm faith or elusive hope
This thought in a Lifetime is what I make of it- a boon or a bane.

This thought. This thought. This thought.

This Lifetime.

Of Thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed we all live our lives in a treacherous balance of hope and despair. Thoughts come and go; they are ephemeral just like any mortal things.

Rush said...

hey simi!!!
u knw wat!! this mornin, i was jus thinkin that i hadnt told u abt d dandeli and i see a note from u :)

it was amazing fun!! we stayed in sort of d middle of d jungle i think ;) and we went to yana d next day..hav put up d snap on my blog..did ya see it??

Neha said...

n this post of thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Thoughts go into thoughts when there are no thoughts in our mind ...wonderful analogy...keep this going

unforgiven said...

The thought of a lifetime, saved my life.