Sunday, December 11, 2005

Moonlight walk in the urban backyard...

Went for the customary sunday evening walk with Appa (dad) and kid bro Samit.

We walked from sunset, past twilight to moonrise.. n moonshine for over two hours.
As we walked away from the residential locality into the backyard of the city...
the empty spaces threw us open to the fast-shrinking open-spaces and skies.
The colors of the sky changed from blue to orangish red and a violetish-blue as the day slept into the night and two stars twinkled.

It was remarkable as this was the first time we lost our way in so many years!
The moon lit our path with gentle light and the conversations kept us going. Not halogens.

I take this as an omen to the forthcoming trek in the western ghat forests.
Looking forward to the moonlight-trek. Five more days...


wildpic said...

5 more days ?! ... brilliant, go go go ... enjoy simi !

Samit said...

Ahh... That was one of the best walks we had.....