seems like u guys actually made me turn around and rethink about attitude... does attitude change with time or does one choose the way one perceives...
well, attitude is an alchemy of change and the major catalyst is one's will power. the others are time, circumstance, people...
apoorv~ does time change attitude or do incidents/circumstances...
suresh~ numb i would call it... not insensitive. ~agree with you on pain...
attitude changes over time :)
only thru time can we develop an attitude simi ... one can become insensitive to every thing but thats not attitude but denial.
we learn so much thru pain dont we ? ... over time we bend and warp to let go and at the same time keep our pliability and sensitivity ...
by the way like ur new template ...
take care simi ...
seems like u guys actually made me turn around and rethink about attitude... does attitude change with time or does one choose the way one perceives...
well, attitude is an alchemy of change and the major catalyst is one's will power. the others are time, circumstance, people...
apoorv~ does time change attitude or do incidents/circumstances...
suresh~ numb i would call it... not insensitive.
~agree with you on pain...
Ok so here is wat i know about attitude
Attitude is always directed towrads an object.
Attitude is predispositioned behavior of a person to act in a positive or negative manner towards an object :P
MBA gyan yaar...So yes attitudes change over time and also as result of incidents.
Attitude towards a 'Teletubbies show' may change with increase in age. Like that
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