Sunday, November 27, 2005

few things i want to do before i die

a quote i read, got me to jot few things i want to do/ have/ accomplish/ be.... before i leave...

the quote reads-

"make a list of 25 things that you want to do before you die. and keep it with you, wherever you go" author unknown
here goes my shot at it-- extremely utopian...
  1. farmhouse abode by a riverside with my music, books. where id till the earth organically.
  2. travel n explore the length n breadth of my marvellous country!
  3. drive down peninsular india, basking-in the seaside roads, gushing in waves of delight
  4. wake-up at 6 every morning
  5. go to vrindavan, the birth place of lord krishna
  6. sit by a river one whole day, just watching it in a mountainous landscape. a book for company would be perfect
  7. adventure sports of land sky n sea... m leaving out space!
  8. social entrepreneur
  9. always be there for my inner-circle
  10. film few documentary
  11. write travelogues
  12. learn to play a musical instrument
  13. do my bit to educate kids in my country
  14. keep my parents n siblings happy
  15. make candles n bake
  16. grow younger each year

to be continued......

ps: am far removed from all of the above right now.... but, am fast reaching there. very close to atleast a few things... if not all.

1 comment:

Prashanth M said...

thts a nice idea of making a list!!

and the 16th one -- grow younger each year lol...